Thursday, November 18, 2010

More Recon

As I have explained before, access can be very tough on projects like this. Normally, our only option to identify access points and trails is low resolution aerial photography or satellite imagery. We look at the imagery and try to identify possible trials. We then take our vehicles and ATV's to see where the trails lead us. Sometimes they take us where we want to go, sometimes they dead end at an impassible swamp and sometimes we can't even find them.

The best way to look for new trails and access points is by flying over the project at a low altitude. Unfortunately, surveyors normally can't afford a plane and a pilot.

Working under a contract with the forest service does have some advantages.

Today we did a low altitude flyover of the project in a USFS Beaver plane. It is a single engine 6 seat plane. We went up in the air around 9 this morning, and by 10 we had figured out how to access some points of the project that were previously very difficult to access.

Elephant Lake

Our house is down there somewhere