Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Chainsaw Pack

On typical day we pack in a lot of stuff. Fence posts, signs, GPS equipment, food, water, etc. One of the most important pieces of equipment is our chainsaw.

The saw is needed for many reasons. We clear downed trees that block our path on our way to set a corner. When we set the corner we may need the saw to clear out enough area to get a good GPS signal. We also use the saw to clear line to bearing trees.

Initially we would bring the saw with us by carrying it in one hand. This works well enough, but it does make trudging though the woods and swamps difficult. Wayne told us about a chainsaw backpack that he has been using, and we decided to give it a try.


This pack is amazing. It fully replaced another backpack while allowing us to carry the chainsaw on our backs.

As always, the pictures don't do it justice. On the left you can see our old pack. It was an heavy, old military issue pack.

On the right, you can see the new chainsaw pack. It carries the same amount of stuff, along with one more important piece of equipment, the chainsaw.

This pack has made our lives (especiialy Wally's since he carries the saw) much easier. If you ever need a chainsaw backpack, look this company up, you will not be disappointed.