Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Outpost Surveying

Hello Internet,

My name is PD. I am a Licensed Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota. This year, the United States Forest Service (USFS) needed to re-monument approximately 200 sections of land in the Superior National Forest.

My company was fortunate enough to be awarded a small portion of this project. We will be re-monumenting 23 of these sections. If you look at the blog header above, the gray areas are the project areas. We were awarded the project area directly adjacent to Buyck (pronounced Bike).

Over the next year and a half I will be updating this blog to show the progress, trials & tribulations and other interesting things that occur during the project.

If you would like a little more background on what we are doing, go to About The Project. It has a overview of the what, why and how of the project.

Also, check out the Progress Map (in development). I am planning on updating it with our progress.